
Pictured: Jason Skinner, Holly Rice, Meg Griffin, Melissa Bruner, Michael Turner; Performed: 15-25 February 2007; "Seussical, the Musical" is a compilation of Dr. Seuss books including Horton and Whoville, Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham. The director was Eric Traynor, vocal director was Teresa Stricklin, choreographer was Amy Uhl, music director/orchestra conductor was Jeremy Stovall, scenic designer was David Keefer, costume designers were Freddy Clements and Shelly Hall, costume shop manager was Randal W. Blades, technical director was Daryl Pauley, lighting designer was Wil Robinson, stage manager was Sandra Knight, assistant stage manager was James Ebert. This item is contained within the Theatre & Film Production Archive.
This performance was held in the Ernest Stone Performing Arts Center Theatre.
- Coty Cockrell -- The Cat In The Hat
- Holly Rice -- Jojo
- Scott Van Patten, Jr. -- Horton The Elephant
- Sara Adams -- Gertrude McFuzz
- Kristen Taylor, Eranika Wray, Alia Johnson -- The Bird Girls
- Daria A. Johnson -- Sour Kangaroo
- Gatlin Alldredge, Kaitie Shell, Andrew Cayse -- The Wickershams
- Russell Reeps -- Mr. Mayor
- Shelly Hall -- Mrs. Mayor
- Jason Skinner -- General Gengus Khan Schmitz
- Jessica Serrett, Chauncey Slater -- The Things
- Melissa Bruner, Candace Finley, Meg Griffin, Summer Hunt, Lauryn Brook Smith, Michael W. Turner, Teri Young, Callie Thompson -- The Whos
- Marcedric Dearman, Blake Edwards, Junella Foster, A. Floyd Jordan, Chad Miller, Brian Seitel -- Jungle Creatures Ashley Brumberg -- Flute
- Beth Anne Lawrence -- Oboe
- Ploy Kurdmongkoltham -- Clarinet
- Amanda Dawson -- Saxophones
- Clark Hunt -- Trumpet I
- Adam Daniel -- Trumpet II
- Matt Loyd -- Trombone
- Micah Kennedy -- Guitar I
- Aron Thompson -- Guitar II
- Joe Skaggs -- Bass
- Steve Ellison -- Drum Set
- Melanie Black Ahlschwede, Laura Oleska -- Percussion
- Jan Rhodes -- Keyboard I & Rehearsal Accompanist
- Justin Williams -- Keyboard II
Is Part Of
The original items are located in the Library’s Alabama Gallery Special Collections.
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama, Musicals
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Recommended Citation
Jacksonville State University, "Seussical, the Musical (2007) | Image 010" (2007). Department of Theatre & Film Performance Archive | Images. 8200.
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama, Musicals