
Pictured: Neilson Jones; Performed: 10-21 July 1995; "A Tale of Sleeping Beauty" is a tale of good versus evil. One of the kingdom's fairies curses the newborn of Beauty after not being invited to the baby shower promising that everyone will fall asleep for 100 years when she pricks her finger on her 16th birthday, also Beauty's wedding day. Jan Rhodes was the music director and keyboardist. This item is contained within the Theatre & Film Production Archive.
This performance was held in the Ernest Stone Performing Arts Center Theatre.
- Gregory Mikell -- Mayor
- Jessica Geron -- Queen
- Steve Whitton -- King
- Lynnelle Terry -- Beauty
- Lindy Green -- Glenda
- Neilson Jones -- Prince
- Jason St. John -- Giant
Is Part Of
The original items are located in the Library’s Alabama Gallery Special Collections.
Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State University -- Faculty, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama
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Recommended Citation
Jacksonville State University, "A Tale of Sleeping Beauty (1995) | Image 003" (1995). Department of Theatre & Film Performance Archive | Images. 4523.
Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State University -- Faculty, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama