Handbooks & Manuals



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The Jacksonville State University Faculty Handbook, as approved by the Board of Trustees, serves as a reference manual for faculty members and administrators. It is the product of faculty and administrative consultation; much of its content was recommended by the Faculty Senate, the Academic Council, and individual members of the faculty. Therefore, it reflects broad-based participation in the governance of the University. The Faculty Handbook is a compilation of selected policies, regulations, procedures, and guidelines currently in operation. It may be revised from time to time to reflect official policy changes. When official policies are changed by the Board of Trustees or other duly constituted authority, such changes become effective on the date designated at the time of their adoption and supersede any contrary provisions of the Faculty Handbook. Changes in the Faculty Handbook will be distributed through normal organizational channels by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, whose office is the repository for the official master copy. Individual faculty members are responsible for maintaining their own copy.

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Jacksonville State University


Jacksonville, Ala.




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The original printed volume is housed in the Houston Cole Library Alabama Gallery.

Jacksonville State University Faculty Handbook | 1992 Edition



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