Creation Date
Winter 12-2-2009
Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State University. English Language Institute., Christmas, Jacksonville State University -- Employees

The English Language Institute prepared non-native English speakers for university study in the United States through immersive courses in the English language and American history and culture. Participants and guests gathered for an ELI Christmas Party inside Salls Hall in 2009. Identified are Cindy Jeffers, ELI instructor, and Dr. Lisa Williams, Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. (circa December 2, 2009)
Date Digitized
December 2009
Names of Persons Pictured
Cindy Jeffers, Lisa Williams
Is Part Of
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Identifier 12 - 2009 atl aquarium, christmas/Christmas 2009 034.jpg
Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State University. English Language Institute., Christmas, Jacksonville State University -- Employees