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Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Basketball -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Basketball, Basketball players -- Alabama, Basketball coaches -- Alabama, Basketball managers

Shown outside Pete Mathews Coliseum at Jacksonville State University is the 1990 women's basketball team. Coaches were Richard Mathis (head coach), Tony Mabrey (assistant coach), Katrina Davis (graduate assistant), Scott Stephens (student coach), and Greg Bond. Basketball players were Dana Bright, Jana Bright, Luchy Cabrera, Christy Colvin, Meredith Crowder, Cassie Duncan, Regina Hester, Sue Imm, Tracy Linton, Charleen McCabe, Melissa Parker, Mary Ann Tribble.
Date Digitized
August 2023
Names of Persons Pictured
Richard Mathis, Tony Mabrey, Katrina Davis, Scott Stephens, Greg Bond, Dana Bright, Jana Bright, Luchy Cabrera, Christy Colvin, Meredith Crowder, Cassie Duncan, Regina Hester, Sue Imm, Tracy Linton, Charleen McCabe, Melissa Parker, Mary Ann Tribble
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The original printed photograph is housed in the Houston Cole Library Alabama Gallery, Box 11, Item 117.
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Basketball -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Basketball, Basketball players -- Alabama, Basketball coaches -- Alabama, Basketball managers