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Jacksonville State University -- History, College teachers -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Faculty

These faculty were members of the education council at Jacksonville State University in 1975-1976. Shown from left are, first row, Olga Kennedy, Dr. James Reaves (Dean of Graduate School), Dr. Louise Clark, Sybil Reaves, second row, Dr. Ronald Caldwell, Dr. Thomas Cochis, Dr. Alta Millican (Dean of School Library Science), Dr. Emilie Burn, Roland Thornburg, Dr. Theron Montgomery (Vice President of Academic Affairs), third row, Dr. Reuben Boozer (Dean of School of Arts and Sciences), Dr. Greene Taylor (Dean of School of Education), Dr. John Van Cleave, Dr. Lawrence Miles (Dean of University Admissions), Charles Nunn (Superintendent of Jacksonville City Schools).
Date Digitized
February 2019
Names of Persons Pictured
Olga Kennedy, James Reaves, Louise Clark, Sybil Reaves, Ronald Caldwell, Thomas Cochis, Alta Millican, Emilie Burn, Roland Thornburg, Theron Montgomery, Reuben Boozer, Greene Taylor, John Van Cleave, Lawrence Miles, Charles Nunn
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Jacksonville State University -- History, College teachers -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Faculty