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Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Jacksonville State University. Student Government Association.

These students were members of the SGA Senate at Jacksonville State University in 1974-1975. Shown from left are, first row, Ken Coward, Dennis Rush, Cole Shriner, Tim Childers, Gary Wolfe, Stan Graham, second row, Robert Downing, Donna Bass, Dennis Pantasis, Barry Averitt, Debbie Street, Fred Sartin, Fred Caldwell, John Tanner, third row, Ron Bearden, Sheila Turner, Connie Tucker, Barbara Bain, Mike Bryan, Melvin Mosley, Terry Farmer, Joy Mullins, Lewis Morris, Karen Howell, Billie Napper, fourth row, Jim Russell, Randall Bains, Nedra Manners, Ed Selzer, Sindo Mayor, Bert Stewart, Dean Buttram, Jr., Roy Roberts, Veronica Pike, Carl Phillips.
Date Digitized
April 2019
Names of Persons Pictured
Ken Coward, Dennis Rush, Cole Shriner, Tim Childers, Gary Wolfe, Stan Graham, Robert Downing, Donna Bass, Dennis Pantasis, Barry Averitt, Debbie Street, Fred Sartin, Fred Caldwell, John Tanner, Ron Bearden, Sheila Turner, Connie Tucker, Barbara Bain, Mike Bryan, Melvin Mosley, Terry Farmer, Joy Mullins, Lewis Morris, Karen Howell, Billie Napper, Jim Russell, Randall Bains, Nedra Manners, Ed Selzer, Sindo Mayor, Bert Stewart, Dean Buttram, Jr., Roy Roberts, Veronica Pike, Carl Phillips
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Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Jacksonville State University. Student Government Association.