Creation Date
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Clubs

These students were members of J Club at Jacksonville State University in 1974-1975. Shown from left are, first row, Marti Morelli, Steve Sewell, Randy Jackson, Howard Preskitt, John Chaney, Sindo Mayor, Mike Hobson, Mike Canada, second row, Jim Cox, Rick Brothers, Ron Tyler, Terry Willingham, Mike Rutledge, Freddy Hunter, Steve McKee, Kim Porch, Bobby Germany, Gary Stedham, third row, Steve Jacobs, Greg Walls, Joe Hix, Greg Mantooth, Larry Stephen.
Date Digitized
April 2019
Names of Persons Pictured
Marti Morelli, Steve Sewell, Randy Jackson, Howard Preskitt, John Chaney, Sindo Mayor, Mike Hobson, Mike Canada, Jim Cox, Rick Brothers, Ron Tyler, Terry Willingham, Mike Rutledge, Freddy Hunter, Steve McKee, Kim Porch, Bobby Germany, Gary Stedham, Steve Jacobs, Greg Walls, Joe Hix, Greg Mantooth, Larry Stephen
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The original negative is housed at JSU McClellan Technical Information Center, Binder 86, Sleeve 28.
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Clubs