Creation Date
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Greek letter societies
These students were officers of Alpha Xi Delta at Jacksonville State University in 1975-1976. Shown are Paula Entrekin (chaplain), Charlotte Sims (historian), Robben Mathews (philanthropist), Nancy Merrill (journal correspondent), Susan Harvey (corresponding secretary), Bobbi Kemp (social chairman), Pam Young (pledge trainer), Adelia Horn, Paula Martin (recording secretary), Susan McLaughlin (song leader), Sabrina Williams (pledge trainer), Cindi Hughes (assistant marshal), Debra Watson (marshal), Jane Ledbetter (panhellenic), Carol Evans (quill chairman), Sherry Colgin (scholarship chairman), Debbie Runyan (president), Pat Holley (membership).
Date Digitized
March 2019
Names of Persons Pictured
Paula Entrekin, Charlotte Sims, Robben Mathews, Nancy Merrill, Susan Harvey, Bobbi Kemp, Pam Young, Adelia Horn, Paula Martin, Susan McLaughlin, Sabrina Williams , Cindi Hughes, Debra Watson, Jane Ledbetter, Carol Evans, Sherry Colgin, Debbie Runyan, Pat Holley
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The original negative is housed at JSU McClellan Technical Information Center, Binder 85, Sleeve 35.
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Greek letter societies