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Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Clubs

These students were members of the Physical Education Club at Jacksonville State University in 1975-1976. Shown from left are, first row, Susan Clarke, Angela Poland, Velinda Hawkins, Ronnie Akers (Sponsor), Sherry Baster, Priscilla Young, LuEllen Bishop, second row, Wade Daniel, Beth Donnelly, Edward Gettys, Mike Bible, Richard Bomar, Sandy Hunter, Charlie Ray, third row, Cindy Atkins, Ron Shelton, Terry Kendrick, Joey Matthews, Janet Barker, Phillip Wright, Archie E. Emmanuel, Jr., Donna Bass.
Date Digitized
February 2019
Names of Persons Pictured
Susan Clarke, Angela Poland, Velinda Hawkins, Ronnie Akers, Sherry Baster, Priscilla Young, LuEllen Bishop, Wade Daniel, Beth Donnelly, Edward Gettys, Mike Bible, Richard Bomar, Sandy Hunter, Charlie Ray, Cindy Atkins, Ron Shelton, Terry Kendrick, Joey Matthews, Janet Barker, Phillip Wright, Archie E. Emmanuel, Jr., Donna Bass
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Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Clubs