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Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Clubs

These students were members of the Student Alabama Education Association at Jacksonville State University in 1975-1976. Shown from left are, first row, Donna Perkins, Gladys Doctrie, Maggie Reed, Charlotte Hardy, Nedra Hundley, Deborah Sewell, Teresa Bradford, Kathy Burgess, second row, Karen Walls, Ginny Sandefer, Melissa Turley, Carol McClellan, Peggy Collum, Judy Van Hooser, Marla Davis, Carol Davis, third row, Teresa Couch, Pam Lacy, Fitz Yarbrough, Jennie Stanley, Loretta Smith, Nancy Hammonds, Janice Elkins, Vanessa Bernhard, Patricia Womack, Susan Henshaw.
Date Digitized
February 2019
Names of Persons Pictured
Donna Perkins, Gladys Doctrie, Maggie Reed, Charlotte Hardy, Nedra Hundley, Deborah Sewell, Teresa Bradford, Kathy Burgess, Karen Walls, Ginny Sandefer, Melissa Turley, Carol McClellan, Peggy Collum, Judy Van Hooser, Marla Davis, Carol Davis, Teresa Couch, Pam Lacy, Fitz Yarbrough, Jennie Stanley, Loretta Smith, Nancy Hammonds, Janice Elkins, Vanessa Bernhard, Patricia Womack, Susan Henshaw
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Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Clubs