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Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Women college students -- Alabama

These female students were members of the Gamecock Chicks at Jacksonville State University in 1974-1975. Gamecock Chicks promoted school spirit on campus and served as official hostesses for Jacksonville State University. 1974-1975 members were Janet Craig, Sally Martin, Suzanne Carnely, Melanie Harrison, Karen Wyatt, Terri Wesley, Laura Truitt, Theresa Matzura, Charlotte Keith, Cheryl Segler, Susan Kelly, Phyllis Jennings, Rhonda Carl, Melinda Hodges, Lisa Reagan, Lori Young, Janet Heltzclaw, Pat Holley, Regina Watts.
Date Digitized
January 2019
Names of Persons Pictured
Janet Craig, Sally Martin, Suzanne Carnely, Melanie Harrison, Karen Wyatt, Terri Wesley, Laura Truitt, Theresa Matzura, Charlotte Keith, Cheryl Segler, Susan Kelly, Phyllis Jennings, Rhonda Carl, Melinda Hodges, Lisa Reagan, Lori Young, Janet Heltzclaw, Pat Holley, Regina Watts
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The original negative is housed at JSU McClellan Technical Information Center, Binder 84, Sleeve 5.
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Women college students -- Alabama