Creation Date
Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- History, College teachers -- Alabama, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- Faculty, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- Students

Jacksonville State College students attended the wildflower festival sponsored by the University of Tennessee circa April 25-26, 1953. Associate Professor of Biology J.C. Wilkes supervised the trip in which the group met nationally known botanists and naturalists in the Smoky Mountains. Shown are Dr. J.C. Wilkes and students gathered around a trail sign. Students in attendance were James Thorne, Gordon Pendergrass, Mabel Weaver, Billy Milam, Carolyn Mayes, Sueville Pendergrass, Barbara Shirley, Troy Griffin, Billie Smith, Betty Robbins, Mollie Spurgeon, Frank Pannell, William Diggs, and Ross Smith. (circa April 25, 1953)
Date Digitized
July 2016
Names of Persons Pictured
James Thorne, Gordon Pendergrass, Mabel Weaver, Billy Milam, Carolyn Mayes, Sueville Pendergrass, Barbara Shirley, J.C. Wilkes, Troy Griffin, Billie Smith, Betty Robbins, Mollie Spurgeon, Frank Pannell, William Diggs, Ross Smith
Is Part Of
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The original negative is housed at JSU McClellan Technical Information Center, Binder 17, Sleeve 34.
Technical Metadata
Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 300 dpi. The file name is PSN1950wildflowerfestival_03883.tif; file size is 1.4 MB. Original image is 4 by 5 on celluloid diacetate/triacetate film stock
Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- History, College teachers -- Alabama, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- Faculty, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- Students