
Date of Award
May 2024
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Visual Communication Design
Committee Chair
Jamie Runnells
Exhibition Date
April 2024
Digital file of website design for the Contact Us page layout for Join us on our mission to transform education through creativity and innovation. Whether you’re an educator looking to incorporate graphic design into your curriculum or a supporter of our vision, we invite you to join the Videntis community and be a part of the change. Thank you for visiting Videntis. Together, let’s shape the future of education!
This image is the property of Jacksonville State University and is intended for non-commercial use. The original is the intellectual property of the JSU student creator. Images may be copied for research, teaching, or any fair use as defined by U.S. copyright law. Images may not be altered in any way, and the creator retains all other rights to these materials. Users of these images are asked to acknowledge Jacksonville State University and must obtain permission from the creator for any other uses not explicitly delineated in this rights statement.
The MFA Thesis Exhibition was held in the Hammond Hall Art Gallery.